Key figures for research

Chiffres recherche2024EN

Scientific activity at Montpellier Management is conducted in cooperation with five research teams specializing in law, economics, and management, in partnership with the LabEx Entreprendre laboratory.

The five research teams at Montpellier Management – MRMLDP, CREAM, CEE-M, CDE and School of Law and Health – include the majority of our research professors.

Most of the research professors are affiliated with the MRM Research Unit. This organization, which offers an original approach with respect to other French management laboratories, combines oversight from universities (University of Montpeller and University of Perpignan) over a broad regional area. With 146 research professors or researchers (96 PhD students), MRM is also a large laboratory in terms of the number of tenured research professors and PhD students, giving the laboratory critical mass at a national and international level.

  Research Professors ATER PhD students

Montpellier Research in Management

(MRM)EA 4557 UR_UM210

45 43

Laboratory of Private Law

(LDP)EA 707 UR_UM207


Montpellier Center for Research and Administrative Studies

(CREAM) EA 2038 UR_UM203


Center for Environmental Economics – Montpellier

(CEE-M) UMR 1135


Center for law, companies

CDE (Faculté de droit et de sciences politiques)

School of Law and Health (Faculté de droit) 2