
Se loger a Montpellier

Finding a place to rent can sometimes be complex, so we encourage you to start your searches early.

Student housing

The CROUS is the public operator providing university accommodation in student dormitories. Different types of accommodation are generally available:

  • Simple rooms, equipped with a sink and with access to communal bathrooms and a shared kitchen in the building;
  • “Renovated comfort level” rooms, with a shower-toilet-sink cubicle and an access to a shared kitchen in the building;
  • Studio flats, equipped with a sink, a bathroom and a kitchenette.

All kinds of accommodation are furnished with a bed, a desk and/or table, a chair and a fridge. Internet access is also included in the rent price.

Exchange students

The application process is managed by the International Relations Office of Montpellier Management. You need to indicate in your Moveon application form if you are interested in a dormitory room with the CROUS.

Please note that it is not possible to apply directly to the dormitories!

The rooms we offer for exchange students are “renovated comfort level” rooms, accommodating one person only, and generally situated in the Boutonnet, Triolet or Voie Domitienne student residences, 30 to 45 minutes by public transport/bike from the Richter campus.

The mandatory rental periods are 1st of September to mid-January for the 1st semester and from mid-January to the end of May for the 2nd semester.

Please note that we only have a limited contingent of dormitory places and cannot guarantee a room to all applicants.

Regular students

International students who are coming to study in Montpellier in a regular program or as free movers can make their request for an accommodation in a student dormitory managed by the CROUS directly online.

Private housing

You might also find a large accommodation offer in the private sector. Shared accommodation, private flat, student residence…in this GUIDE you can find some useful information for a successful research.

Practical Information


In order to rent your accommodation, many landlords will ask you for a guarantor, a person who earns enough money to pay for your rent in case you are not able to do it anymore. The CLE (Caution Locative Etudiante) is a State insurance implemented by the CROUS. It enables students without a guarantor to have easier access to housing.

> Find out more on their page


All students must suscribe to an accommodation insurance to provide garantees in case of accidents. You can ask any insurance company, or your bank for information, as they can provide such policies.


Students can apply to the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) for the housing benefit called APL (Aide Personnelle au Logement):

  • This aid enables you to reduce your monthly rent (around 80 euros for a room in a student residence), starting on the second month of rental, as the first month is called « mois de carence » (deficiency month).
  • The application procedure is available in your student residence.
  • The aid is applicable on monthly rents, two-week rents are not concerned.