Responsabilités pédagogiques :
- Master 2 Conseil en Patrimoine Global
Romain Boissin est Maître de conférences en Finance à l’Institut Montpellier Management. Ses recherches portent sur la couverture des analystes financiers lors des introductions en bourse dans un contexte international.
Romain Boissin is an Associate Professor of Finance at University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France. His fields of interest focus on IPOs, analyst coverage and securities laws in an international context.
Domaines d’enseignements :
- Pilotage de la performance de l’entreprise agroalimentaire
- Reporting financier et extra-financier
- Méthodes quantitatives en Finance
- Analyse financière et évaluations
- Gestion de portefeuille et finance durable
- Stratégie de financement
- Finance
Communication :
- BOISSIN, MADUREIRA, SINGH, 2018, “Analysts’ Advice on IPOs and Regulations: An Analysis of US and European Markets”, FMA European Conference, Kristiansand, Norway, 13-15/06
- BOISSIN, 2016, “Analyst recommendations of IPOs and Regulations: a comparative analysis between US and Europe”, IFABS, Barcelona, Spain, 01-03/06
- BOISSIN, 2016, “Analyst coverage prediction for IPOs”, World Finance Conference, New York (NY), USA, 28-31/07.
- BOISSIN, 2015, “Z-score as predictor of analyst coverage of IPOs”, Eastern Finance Association, New Orleans (LA), USA, 08-11/04
Chapitre d’ouvrage :
BOISSIN, 2022, “Analyst Coverage of Emerging Market IPOs and Legal Environment”, in Handbook of banking and finance in emerging markets, edited by Duc Khuong Nguyen, Edward Elgar Publishing, Forthcoming
Bureau B430